Coaching for ‘Empty-Nesters’
and beyond
Feeling disconnected and unfulfilled in your relationship now that the kids are grown?
You have spent many years as parents and now your kids are about to or have flown the nest. You are suddenly discovering that you don't know what to talk about anymore, you're not sure who you are now as an individual and a couple without kids around. You know you want more in your relationship but are either not sure what it is, nor how to get it. Menopausal and andropausal changes are probably adding to the confusion, and you are both feeling disconnected, unfulfilled and a loss of intimacy inside your relationship. Perhaps you are even unsure about the future of it, even though you love each other...
Rediscover connection and joy in your relationship
Through personalised coaching, you can reignite the spark and build a supportive, loving relationship. Find ways to reconnect with each other and what you love about each other, and what to talk about now the you have more time together without the kids. Discover yourself as individuals and a couple without kids at home, and bring in more excitement, fun and closeness, ensuring a fulfilling future together. Get the support you need to transform your relationship and start to see a new future for your relationship post kids.
Do you want to know more?
What you are experiencing now:
You don’t know what to talk about anymore
Frequent, repetitive arguments over trivial things
Spending very little time together doing activities that once made you feel connected
Feeling unheard, disrespected, misunderstood, and annoyed with each other
Decreased desire for sex and intimacy, with physical challenges like erectile changes, pain, and dryness
Feeling shut out by your partner, leading to a loss of connection and safety
Defensiveness, frequent criticism, and judgment of each other
Feeling alone in your relationship
Struggles with health issues taking up energy and space
Hurt by past events you can’t let go of
Doubting the future of the relationship, even though you love each other
Feeling like you don't know who you are without the kids to focus on
Wondering what happened to the couple you used to be
Longing for more fun, adventure, and spontaneity
Feeling bored and uninspired in your relationship
Wondering if this is all there is
What you would like to feel:
To enjoy life and your relationship again
To feel understood, heard, and valued
To feel safe, knowing you are in this together
For your needs to be important too
To have fun and laughter back
To feel sensual, sexy, wanted, and desired
To feel connected and intimate, with more sex and closeness
To feel supported and respected

To stop fighting and resolve conflicts better
To feel calmer, less worried, and anxious
To feel kindness, love, and closeness
To be in a relationship that supports and nurtures you both
To feel that your partner has your back
To feel hopeful about the future, knowing there is more fun, love, laughter, passion, and closeness to experience together

How coaching can help
It’s never too late to rediscover and recreate your relationship if you both love each other and are willing to make changes.
And one person can make a huge difference! Whilst it is quicker and easier to make changes in your relationship when you get support together, if your partner loves you and wants to be with you but is not ready to ask for help, you can make a massive difference through what you learn, discover and do differently.
Get support now to ensure you can discover what you need to understand and do to make your relationship into one that supports you both and ensures your future together, starting today!.
I just want to say a massive thank you to you. I ‘m so incredibly grateful for the journey that you have … guided me on from feeling irritated and frustrated like I was just totally butting heads with my husband in a matter of weeks to feeling the fun, the joy, the happiness, the peace that I have been after…
J.D Australia